The Comprehensive Russian Language Learner's Guide

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Table of Contents

  1. Excellent resources, no matter your level
    1. Anki
    2. Cooljugator
    3. RussianGram
      1. The RussianGram Chrome Extension
  2. For Absolute Beginners: Между Нами
    1. Navigating Между Нами
      1. Familiarizing yourself with the site
      2. Finding all the Materials

Excellent resources, no matter your level

Whether you're a seasoned russophile or just starting on your Russian journey, the following list of resources will be a great help in supplementing your learning experience.

For Absolute Beginners: Между Нами

If you don't speak a lick of Russian, your first step would be to visit Между Нами and go through their completely free online course. It covers the material of university-level first-year Russian.

Navigating Между Нами

Each урок (unit) can be found at the top of the website